Photo of Gonzalo Mata Mexico

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Born in Ciudad de la Puebla, Pue. en el 1958, the year-old changes his residence to CD. Obregon, Sonora place in what remains to him in 2001, which is transferred to the City of La Paz, where he currently resides. Ingeniero Biochemistry he Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in 1998 enters the free workshops from the Technological Institute...

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Photo of Gonzalo Mata Mexico

Born in Ciudad de la Puebla, Pue. en el 1958, the year-old changes his residence to CD. Obregon, Sonora place in what remains to him in 2001, which is transferred to the City of La Paz, where he currently resides. Ingeniero Biochemistry he Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in 1998 enters the free workshops from the Technological Institute of Sonora where takes the disciplines of: artistic dibujo, oil painting and he recorded with conductor Hector Martinez Arteche

Since this has been entonces Instructor of Photography Workshop him Y Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Obregón, en el Workshop Instructor "dibujo with the right part of the brain" during the First Week of the Institute of Psychology Sonora.en 1995, dibujo Analogue Maestro in the La Salle University Northwest, Sonora y en el Colegio de la Veracruz Teresiano in 2001 he, in 2008 Instructor dibujo fue en la Analog Academy of Art "Art Shop" in La Paz, BCS Participates in the Collective exhibition of painting he Park Little Tucson, Arizona in 1992. In 1998 he obtuvo first place in the "First painting contest" Technological Institute of Sonora with the work "fuera place" later in 2000 he Tuvo su primera pictorial exhibition individual llamada "Metamorphosis" en la Casa de la Cultura CD. Obregon, Am., Exhibition Gallery Te idividual en la s & Gabo of La Paz, BCS, with the book "Elements" in July 2008. He won the competition for the design of the logo to commemorate the tenth anniversary of his La Salle University Northwest 2001 it currently resides in La Paz, BCS which follows Desarrollado work su pictorial.

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